Pocket History of the British Working Class

Postgate, Raymond
Publisher:  NCLC Publishing Society Ltd., United Kingdom
Year First Published:  {12350 Pocket History of the British Working Class POCKET HISTORY OF THE BRITISH WORKING CLASS Postgate, Raymond NCLC Publishing Society Ltd. United Kingdom A brief history of the British working class. 1942 1964 103pp BC12350s-PocketHistory.jpg B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>1. Early History <br>2. Owenism <br>3. Chartism <br>4. The Age of Reform <br>5. The Socialist <br>6. The First World War <br>7. Between Two Wars <br>8. The Second World War <br>9. The Latest Years <br>Date List <br>Index CX6490 1 false true false CX6490.htm [0xc0008a53e0 0xc0002d4db0 0xc0006260f0 0xc002176db0 0xc002b79650] Cx}
Year Published:  1964
Pages:  103pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX6490

A brief history of the British working class.


Table of Contents

1. Early History
2. Owenism
3. Chartism
4. The Age of Reform
5. The Socialist
6. The First World War
7. Between Two Wars
8. The Second World War
9. The Latest Years
Date List

Subject Headings

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