Karl Marx: Selected Writings in Sociology and Social Philosophy

Bottomore, T.B.; Rubel, Maximilien (eds.)
Publisher:  Pelican
Year First Published:  {12207 Karl Marx: Selected Writings in Sociology and Social Philosophy KARL MARX SELECTED WRITINGS IN SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY Bottomore, T.B.; Rubel, Maximilien (eds.) Pelican A selection of Marx's writings intended to present the evolution of his ideas, the main features of his mothod, and the chief conclusions of his research. 1956 1961 272pp B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents: <br> <br>Preface <br>Introduction <br>Marx's Sociology and Social Philosophy <br>The Influence of Marx's Sociological Thought <br> <br>Part One: Methodological Foundations <br>The Materialist Conception of History <br>Existence and Consciousness <br>Society, Social Relations, and the Economic Structure <br> <br>Part Two: Pre-Capitalist Societies <br>Forms of Property and Modes of Production <br>Economic Structure, Social Stratification, and Political Systems <br> <br>Part Three: Sociology of Capitalism <br>The Origins and Development of Capitalism <br>The Social System of Capitalism <br>The Ideology of Capitalism <br>Capitalism and Human Alienation <br>Social Classes and Class Conflict <br>Marx's Enquete Ouvriere <br> <br>Part Four: Sociology of Politics <br>The State and Law <br>Dynamics of Revolution <br> <br>Part Five: Future Society <br> <br>Selected Biography <br>Index CX6347 1 false true false CX6347.htm [0xc0004ce420 0xc0022ac060 0xc000985c20] Cx}
Year Published:  1961
Pages:  272pp   Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX6347

A selection of Marx's writings intended to present the evolution of his ideas, the main features of his mothod, and the chief conclusions of his research.


Table of Contents:

Marx's Sociology and Social Philosophy
The Influence of Marx's Sociological Thought

Part One: Methodological Foundations
The Materialist Conception of History
Existence and Consciousness
Society, Social Relations, and the Economic Structure

Part Two: Pre-Capitalist Societies
Forms of Property and Modes of Production
Economic Structure, Social Stratification, and Political Systems

Part Three: Sociology of Capitalism
The Origins and Development of Capitalism
The Social System of Capitalism
The Ideology of Capitalism
Capitalism and Human Alienation
Social Classes and Class Conflict
Marx's Enquete Ouvriere

Part Four: Sociology of Politics
The State and Law
Dynamics of Revolution

Part Five: Future Society

Selected Biography

Subject Headings

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