The Death and Life of Great American Cities
Jacobs, Jane
Publisher: Vintage, New York, USAYear Published: 1961 Pages: 458pp Dewey: 309.262 Resource Type: Book Cx Number: CX6244 Jacobs' iconoclastic and brilliant observations on why cities work, and why they don't. Abstract: - Table of Contents Introduction Part I: The Peculiar Nature of Cities 1. The uses of sidewalks: safety 2. The uses of sidewalks: Contact 3. The uses of sidewalks: assimilating children 4. The uses of neighbourhood parks 5. The uses of city neighbourhoods Part II: The Conditions for City Diversity 6. The generators of diversity 7. The need for primary mixed uses 8. The need for small blocks 9. The need for aged buildings 10. The need for concentration 11. Some myths about diversity Part III: Forces of Decline and Regeneration 12. The self-destruction of diversity 13. The curse of border vacuums 14. Unslumming and slumming 15. Gradual money and cataclysmic money Part IV: Different Tactics 16. Subsidizing dwellings 17. Erosion of cities or attrition of automobiles 18. Visual order: its limitations and possibilities 19. Salvaging projects 20. Governing and planning districts 21. The kind of problem a city is Index Subject Headings |