Arctic Circle

Publisher:  The Canadian Arctic Resources Committee
Year Published:  1991
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX4303

The Canadian Arctic Resources Committee (CARC) is publishing a new magazine, Arctic Circle, which it describes as "Canada's first and only public affairs magazine devoted exclusively to northern issues." Arctic Circle is published six times per year in Iqaluit. Subscriptions are $25 per year and include a membership in CARC. Contact CARC, 111 Sparks St., 4th floor, Ottawa Ontario K1P 5B5. The December 1990 issue carries an article by Keith Crowe surveying the background, character, scope, and process of northern land claims, in a useful analysis that offers more detail and background than are found in most journalistic treatments. An accompanying by Bill Diamond describes the trail of broken promises left by the James Bay Agreement.
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