Asia and Pacific
A Directory of Resources

Fenton, Thomas P.; Heffron, Mary J. (compiled & edited by)
Publisher:  Orbis Books
Year Published:  1986
Pages:  140pp   Price:  $9.95   ISBN:  ISBN 0-88344-528-X
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX3277

This directory updates and expands the resources on Asia and the Pacific in the Third World Resource Directory, published in 1984. The directory is divided into six sections: organizations, books, periodicals, pamphlets and articles, audioi-visuals, and other resources. The listings are cross-referenced and indexed by organization, title, individual, subject, and geographical area. Third World Resources also publishes a quarterly 16-page newsletter that keeps information in the resource directories up-to-date. Subscriptions to Third World Resources are $25 per year for organizations, $25 for 2 years for individuals. A sample copy is $1.
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