Energy Probe
Organization profile published 1984
Year Published: 1984
Resource Type: Organization
Cx Number: CX2916
Energy Probe first began 10 years ago as the Energy Team of Pollution Probe. Finding foreign energy affairs inseparable from domestic energy considerations, Energy Probe established a formal foreign energy policy role in 1980. The goal is to promote policies for Canada, based on conservation and renewable energy, that will secure long-term energy self-sufficiency in the shortest possible time, with the fewest disruptive effects, and with the greatest societal, economic and environmental benefits.
Energy Probe is involved in six main project areas. Over the past year, the Third World team has monitored Canadian involvement in energy aid projects, using information received from national and international agencies and from Third World contacts.
Energy Probe promotes bicycles as a legitimate energy-efficient form of transportation. The aim of this work is to increase bicycle usage through education and safety programmes and improved road conditions and facilities.
Energy Probe's nuclear work is ongoing, requiring responses to new developments almost daily. Campaigns organized include publicizing the disadvantages of completing the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station in Ontario; advocating the reform of the national Atomic Energy Control Board; and opposing the construction of CANDU stations in Canada. The group's Acid Rain Project has focused on a general opposition to Ontario Hydro's new advertising campaign "Go Electric."
Energy Probe's work in the oil and gas sectors has been multi-faceted. It includes an analysis of trends in consumption and forecasting, which will be published in book form this fall (1984).
The Utility Reform Project tries to promote the accountability of Ontario Hydro (and to a lesser extent, Consumers' Gas) through interventions before the Ontario Energy Board and public information campaigns.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1984.
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