Avataq Cultural Institute
Organization profile published 1983

Year Published:  1983
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2860

Connexions has published multiple abstracts on Avataq Cultural Institute.

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This abstract first published in Connexions Digest in 1983:

AVATAQ CULTURAL INSTITUTE emerged during the process of Inuit self-determination. It is intended as a vehicle by which the Inuit geographically within Quebec can preserve traditional values and objects of historical importance, and at the same time promote and sponsor activities of a cultural nature throughout the region. It began operaitons in late 1980 asa cultural, non-profit organization.

The thrust of the INSTITUTE's policies are the preservation and development of Inuit language and culture, and the reclaiming of Inuit history. Projects are developed in close consultation with Inuit elders at annual elders conferences.

A review of geographical place names in the region has been completed, and with the co-operaiton of the Quebec government, it is hoped that these will be recognized and adopted in official maps and doicuments.

A museum and cultural centre is being constructed at Inukjuak. It will provide services and cultural activities such as media productions, performing arts, regional assemblies, distribuiton of cultural materials, and short-term educational courses in the traditional and contemporary Inuit experience. Materials and artifacts are being solicited from the region, and attempts will be made to patriate cultural artifacts and documents from southern museums, universities, and collectors. Exhcnage program will also be undertaken.

The INSTITUTE will encourage outside research agencies to consult closely with the Inuit prior to undertaking any programs which are likely to involve Inuit cultural and environmental concerns.

The INSTITUTE and teh Makivik Corporation are co-operating to produce an Inuit History of Nothern Quebec. Teaching materials on Inuit heritageand traditional life skills will be developed in co-operation with school authorities. Cultural identity will also be promoted through support for traditional Inuit music and games, and exchange visits to other Inuit homelands.

Other projects include tracing family histories, many of which have been lost in recent times; researching and identifying those cases where Inuit surnames have been improperly recorded at birth in order to legally correct such registration upon request; and a study of traditional methods of treatment for illness and accidents.

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This abstract published in Connexions Digest in 1986:

AVATAQ CULTURAL INSTITUTE emerged during the process of Inuit self-determination. It is intended as a vehicle by which the Inuit geographically within Quebec can preserve traditional values and objects of historical importance, and at the same time promote the sponsor activities of a cultural nature throughout the region. It began operations in late 1980 as a cultural non-profit organization.

The thrust of the INSTITUTE"S policies are the preservation and development of the Inuit language and culture, and the reclaiming of Inuit history. Projects are developed in close consultation with Inuit elders at annual elders conferences.

A museum and cultural centre is being constructed at Inukjuak. It will provide services and cultural activities such as media productions, performing arts, regional assemblies, distribution of cultural materials, and short-term eductional courses in the traditional and contemporary Inuit experience. Materials and artifacts are being solicited from the region, and attempts will be made to patriate cultural artifacts and documents from southern museums, universities, and other collectors. Exchange programs will also be undertaken.

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