National Indian Brotherhood, Assembly of First Nations
http://www.afn.ca/Year Published: 1983 Resource Type: Organization Cx Number: CX2827 Abstract: Just as the people of the First Nation across Canada were becoming familiar with the NATIONAL INIDAN BROTHERHOOD (NIB) and its role and purpose in serving the Indian people, an important transition was made by the Chiefs in developing an organization which was more representative and accoutable to the Indian people. This transition gave birth to the ASSEMBLY OF FIRST NATIONS (AFN). The AFN recognizes the right of First Nations to govern themselves. The ASSEMBLY is a way in which each of the First Nations can unite with the others for mutual support and co-operation, and to develop national policies for and by Indian people. From an "organization of organizations," the NIB has become an "organization of chiefs." The NIB became the Secretariat, or administrative body to the ASSEMBLY. Indian chiefs are now able to help formulate and administer the policies of the AFN. The AFN has made a concerted effort to inform its people of the restructuring of the NIB and how the can be involved. The restructuring and creation of the AFN must have the strength and support of all Indian people if it is to work in a united way to protect and build a future for their children. A number of brochures, larger publications and newsletters are available from the Ottawa address. The AFN Bulletin, published monthly, was develped to provide factual, up-to-date information on issues of concern the the Indian Governments in this country. Our Heritage -- Our Future, explains the structure and functions of the newly formed AFN. This includes a statement of purpose, outlines the structure of the involved. National Indian Brotherhood presents in diagram form the member organizations of the Brotherhood (now the AFN) A one hundred page booklet callled, The Key, Indian Control of Indian Information, 1982 contains the listing of unpublished materials by Indian organizations in Canada available from the Indian Resource Information Centre, Ottawa. The purpose of this list is to provide directors, co-ordinators and administrators an opportunity to see at a glance what has been done in their field (eg: health, community development, education, the criminal justice system, etc.) by their collegues in other Indian organizations. This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1983. All items listed are available at $.25 per page for photocopying. Subject Headings |