Priorities For Action A Report of the National Advisory Committee on Aging
Publisher: The National Advisory Council on Aging
Year Published: 1982 Pages: 27pp Price: Free Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX2477
Established by a federal Order-in-Council May 1, 1980, the eighteen-member National Advisory Council on Aging is charged with assisting and counselling the Minister of Health and Welfare on matters relating to the quality of life of Canada's rapidly growing aging population.
Abstract: Established by a federal Order-in-Council May 1, 1980, the eighteen-member National Advisory Council on Aging is charged with assisting and counselling the Minister of Health and Welfare on matters relating to the quality of life of Canada's rapidly growing aging population. In October, 1981, the Council released its first report. It contains three main sections: Public Education and Learning Opportunities for Older People, Health and Social Services for Older Canadians and Retirement Issues and Income as They Affect the Elderly. Each section consists of a short text, a bibliography, and a list of recommendations. A common theme running throughout the Report is that the elderly be involved in planning and carrying out all programs which are directed towards them.
Specific recommendations in the Report include:
1) An intensive program of public information be started this coming year (1982), to correct the misconceptions about aging and to establish a positive view of the role of the elderly in society;
2) "Extra billing" by professionals participating in government medicare programs not be permitted and professional bodies and medicare agencies develop procedures to resolve problems of fee-schedules;
3) An organized body independent of government and social agencies to function in each community and province, to promote the well-being of the elderly and their optimal care when needed;
4) Any terms relating to mandatory retirement be negotiated in the work place, with recognition that a flexible system exist to provide employees with options.
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