Why climate action is the antithesis of white supremacy
Behind the urgency of climate action is the understanding that everything is connected; behind white supremacy is an ideology of separation
Solnit, Rebecca
Date Written: 2019-03-19
Publisher: Guardian
Year Published: 2019
Resource Type: Article
Cx Number: CX23817
Climate action and climate change denial are antithetical to each other as the former is based on interconnectivity and collective action while the latter seeks exclusion and separation.
It’s no accident that climate denial is integral to rightwing thinking, that Republicans in the US have been freaking out about the Green New Deal, that maximizing fossil fuel development and profit seems to be a cornerstone of their libertarian-capitalist ideology. To acknowledge that everything is connected is to acknowledge that our actions have consequences and therefore responsibilities they are unwilling to shoulder. Also that the solutions to climate change require cooperative work at all levels from local energy transition to national policies that stop subsidizing fossil fuels to international agreements to set emissions goals.
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