International Labour Office (ILO) Publications
Year Published: 1981Resource Type: Organization Cx Number: CX2337 Abstract: 1) "The Right to Organize" - Based on an examination of legislation and regulations in many countries, this study reviews the various problems arising in connection with the right to organize including difficulties concerning, for example, the structure and composition of trade unions and trade union "monopoly." 82 pages, $8.55 (U.S. funds). 2) "Protection Against Anti-Union Discrimination" - the author examines the effectiveness of existing laws and other means of protecting workers against acts of anti-union discrimination with respect to their employment. The study deals with 50 countries, reporting on the main problems encountered and defects noted; he also suggests possible improvements. 123 pages, $11.40 (U.S. funds). 3) "New Forms of Work Organization" (Vol. 1 and Vol. 2) - These monographs examine 11 countries including the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. The monographs demonstrate the growing trend towards the adoption of new forms of work organization in different contexts, the difficulties and complexities involved and the potential for success. They also show the considerable differences between various national approaches and experiences. $28.50 (U.S. funds). Subject Headings |