Voluntary Resource Council
Organization profile published 1981

Year Published:  1981
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2331

The Voluntary Resource Council (VRC), founded in 1978, promotes the strengthening of the voluntary movement in Prince Edward Island.

The Voluntary Resource Council (VRC), founded in 1978, promotes the strengthening of the voluntary movement in Prince Edward Island. Committed to citizen participation through voluntary involvement, the Council works to: promote and improve communications and cooperation among non-profit voluntary organizations in Prince Edward Island; provide services and facilities and coordinate programs for such organizations; study and promote volunteerism throughout the province; assist voluntary organizations in their development.

Approximately fifty organizations are members of VRC; some groups are concerned with social change issues - others relate to social service concerns in P.E.I. Some of these groups are housed together at the above address. VRC publishes a monthly newsletter entitled "Networking."
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