What the Attack on Marc Lamont Hill Tells Us
Davidson, Lawrence
http://www.counterpunch.org/2018/12/13/what-the-attack-on-marc-lamont-hill-tells-us/Date Written: 2018-12-13 Publisher: CounterPunch Year Published: 2018 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX23194 Destruction is the Zionists' strategic goal and the attack on Marc Lamont Hill and others like him is dictated by the tactics they have chosen to use toward that end. Abstract: - Excerpts: The dustup over Marc Lamont Hill’s speech is not an isolated occurrence. Dozens of similar calculated over-reactions, episodes of intimidation, and attention-getting acts of slander, have occurred over the last few years. Most of these have been directed by Zionists at academics critical of Israel and its evolving apartheid practices. The reaction to these attacks usually focuses on the threat to academic freedom and free speech. This has been the case in the pushback against the Zionist assault on Lamont Hill. |