Tomorrow's power

Miller, Amy
Publisher:  Wide Open Exposure Productions; Byron A. Martin Productions
Year Published:  2017
Resource Type:  Film/Video
Cx Number:  CX23042

An award-winning documentary that follows stories of communities in Germany, Gaza and Colombia that are challenging current power structures, leading to possibilities of a future with both social and climate justice. Runtime: 76 min.


Publisher's description:

Tomorrow's Power is a feature length documentary that showcases three communities around the world and their responses to economic and environmental emergencies they are facing. In the war-torn, oil-rich Arauca province in Colombia, communities have been building a peace process from the bottom up. In Germany activists are pushing the country to fully divest from fossil-fuel extraction and complete its transition to renewable energy. In Gaza health practitioners are harnessing solar power to battle daily life-threatening energy blackouts in hospitals.
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