Some Native Issues

Publisher:  Development Awareness Committee (D.A.C.), LaRonge, Canada
Year Published:  1981
Pages:  15pp   Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX2264

The Development Committee (DAC) of La Ronge, Saskatchewan is concerned with education - in particular, education for Northern Native People.

The Development Committee (DAC) of La Ronge, Saskatchewan is concerned with education - in particular, education for Northern Native People. The committee is made up of people who are involved with Native People at the community level. DAC is concerned that Native People are uniformed about issues which affect them and their communities. Because they are uninformed, they can only react to development projects in the North. Their reaction is often too little too late because they have no information on which to base their actions.

DAC believes that the people who are being affected by development in the North must have an influence on the decisions being made. A certain amount of development is here to stay, but in future projects, the concerns of Native people about royalties, job training, the creation of permanent jobs, compensation for the loss of their traditional livelihood and damage to land and water sources must be addressed.

This newsletter was written to increase the awareness of Northern people of the issues which affect them. Often people in the South know more about development project for the North than Northern residents. A second newsletter was published in February and may be obtained from Box 336, La Ronge, Saskatchewan.
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