Gay Community Appeal of Toronto
Organization profile published 1981
Publisher:  The Gay Community Appeal (G.C.A.) of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1981
Resource Type:  Organization
Cx Number:  CX2193

The Gay Community Appeal (G.C.A., of Toronto claims that "it is vitally important that we in the gay community use our present resources to provide for our own future". The primary purpose of the GCA is fundraising. The main fundraising activity proposed consists of S.O.S, (Support Our Selves) social evenings. In the homes of gays and lesbians, audio-visual shows will be presented demonstrating current projects contributions will then be solicited from among those present. The GCA presently supports health, social, educational, legal and cultural services that serve the gay community.

The Appeal's objective is to "help strengthen and develop the community in order to further enrich our lives as lesbians and gay men". The accomplishment of this would entail supporting gay-oriented activities by helping to ease the financial burden of existing organizations; supporting the creation of new services and programs; helping organizations uncover new sources of revenue; helping organizations find volunteer administrative assistance; and increasing the gay public's awareness of community activities through the fundraising program and further promotional activities.

The GCA believes that it's up to gays to make the community work. People from the gay community are encouraged to act as hosts for SOS evenings, to offer ideas about new programs for gays and to bring their skills and talents to the GCA. The appeal is seen as an opportunity to make one's voice and contribution count.

This organization has changed its name to the Community One Foundation.
This abstract was published in the Connexions Digest in 1981.

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