Ontario Teachers Face Austerity Drive
Brogan, Peter
http://www.solidarity-us.org/site/node/4491Date Written: 2015-09-01 Publisher: Against the Current Year Published: 2015 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX21275 Although conditions for teachers and students in Ontario, and Canada more broadly, remain far better than they are for their counterparts in the United States, concessionary austerity demands similar to those being more aggressively advanced in the United States have been rolled out in one guise or another across Canada too. Abstract: - Excerpt: As summer vacation was coming to a close Ontario public and Catholic teachers have been without contracts for over a year. But since May, high school and elementary teachers across the province have taken action. The Elementary Teacher Federation of Ontario (ETFO) and grade 9 and 10 high school teachers in the province have strategically withdrawn their work by refusing to prepare for or administer provincially mandated tests. As of July 20th all public high school teachers have refused to participate in non-compensated extracurricular activities. Other job actions that might be rolled out this fall include: no parent-teacher nights or interviews, no parent volunteers, no extra help for students, and no bulletin boards. |