Fire and Flames
A History of the German Autonomist Movement
Year First Published: {49220 Fire and Flames FIRE FLAMES A History of the German Autonomist Movement Geronimo Released in 1990, Fire and Flames is the first comprehensive study of the German autonomous movement. 1990 2012 208pp BC49220-FireFlames.jpg B Book 978-1-60486-097-9 --
<br>Publisher's Description: Fire and Flames is no detached academic study, but a passionate, hands-on, and engaging account of the beginnings of one of Europe's most intriguing protest movements of the last thirty years. An introduction by George Katsiaficas, author of The Subversion of Politics, and an afterword by Gabriel Kuhn, a long-time autonomous activist and author, add historical context and an update on the current state of the Autonomen. CX21172 0 false true false CX21172.htm [] Cx}
Year Published: 2012
Pages: 208pp ISBN: 978-1-60486-097-9
Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX21172
Released in 1990, Fire and Flames is the first comprehensive study of the German autonomous movement.
Publisher's Description: Fire and Flames is no detached academic study, but a passionate, hands-on, and engaging account of the beginnings of one of Europe's most intriguing protest movements of the last thirty years. An introduction by George Katsiaficas, author of The Subversion of Politics, and an afterword by Gabriel Kuhn, a long-time autonomous activist and author, add historical context and an update on the current state of the Autonomen.