This is What Plutocracy Looks Like

Urie, Rob
Date Written:  2017-07-07
Publisher:  Counterpunch
Year Published:  2017
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX21116

Mr. Trump is the quintessential plutocrat-- a self-interested man of inherited means and limited life experience who stumbled upward through political economy engineered to benefit his class. It is this very public nature of his 'success' that attaches class culpability to his actions.



Furthermore, some fair measure of what is so vile about Donald Trump's scapegoating of immigrants is that the American government, at the behest of the plutocrats who control it, created serial refugee crises through economic policies and military adventurism. Barack Obama was the 'deporter in chief' of economic refugees from Mexico displaced by Bill Clinton's passage of NAFTA. Mr. Obama's Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, supported a right-wing coup in Honduras and then argued that the orphaned child-refugees fleeing the resulting violence should be forcibly returned there.

The charge here isn't that 'both parties do it,' but rather that they-- Democrats and Republicans, are partners on the side of reigning plutocrats in a class war against a broadly-defined global working class. Democrats have spent decades cynically overwriting / overriding demands for meaningful employment, food, health care and pension security with identity politics that reduce to the right of people who can afford rights to receive them. Another name for this is class warfare.