Marxism and the Fight Against Native Oppression in Canada
Morrison, Nevin
http://www.icl-fi.org/english/wv/1066/canada.htmlDate Written: 2015-04-17 Publisher: Workers Vanguard Year First Published: {44339 Marxism and the Fight Against Native Oppression in Canada MARXISM FIGHT AGAINST NATIVE OPPRESSION IN CANADA Morrison, Nevin http://www.icl-fi.org/english/wv/1066/canada.html Workers Vanguard Our political tendency has always emphasized the need to combat the special oppression of Natives, blacks, women and others. Such oppression is intimately connected with the “normal” capitalist exploitation of the workers and must be fought by means of the class struggle. Most of our opponents on the left these days reject historical materialism, just as they reject the perspective of working-class revolution and instead push variants of Native cultural nationalism and "ecosocialism." 2015-04-17 2014 2015 ART Article CX17731 1 false true false CX17731.htm [0xc000dac1b0 0xc0013238f0] Cx} Year Published: 2015 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX17731 Our political tendency has always emphasized the need to combat the special oppression of Natives, blacks, women and others. Such oppression is intimately connected with the “normal” capitalist exploitation of the workers and must be fought by means of the class struggle. Most of our opponents on the left these days reject historical materialism, just as they reject the perspective of working-class revolution and instead push variants of Native cultural nationalism and "ecosocialism." Subject Headings |