Wilfred Burchett's Retreat From Moscow
Lockwood, Rupert
http://radicalsydney.blogspot.ca/p/wilred-burchetts-tretreat-from-moscow.htmlPublisher: Radycal Sydney/Radical History Year Published: 2013 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX16432 Between 1965-1968, journalist Rupert Lockwood (1908-1997) was the Moscow-based correspondent for the Communist Party of Australia’s (CPA) newspaper Tribune. A veteran journalist, Lockwood had become a leftist as the result of his front-line experiences covering the Spanish Civil War for the Melbourne Herald. A party member since 1939, his Moscow experiences contributed to him leaving the party in 1969. In these previously unpublished “Notes and Recollections”, drafted in the 1980s, Lockwood recalls his Moscow experiences, and his association with journalist Wilfred Burchett (1911-1983). Subject Headings |