Labor's Giant Step
The First Twenty Years of the CIO: 1936–55

Preis, Art
Publisher:  Pathfinder Press, USA
Year First Published:  {41674 Labor's Giant Step LABOURS GIANT STEP The First Twenty Years of the CIO: 1936–55 Preis, Art Pathfinder Press USA The story of the explosive labor struggles and political battles in the 1930s that built the industrial unions. 1964 1972 736pp BC41674-LaborsGiantStep.jpg B Book 978-0-87348-263-9 CX16250 0 false true false CX16250.htm [0xc0008d8240 0xc000a2c8d0 0xc00205adb0 0xc0023e6570] Cx}
Year Published:  1972
Pages:  736pp   ISBN:  978-0-87348-263-9
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX16250

The story of the explosive labor struggles and political battles in the 1930s that built the industrial unions.

Subject Headings

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