The Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution

Isaacs, Harold R.
Publisher:  Secker & Warburg, United Kingdom
Year First Published:  {35300 The Tragedy of the Chinese Revolution TRAGEDY OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION Isaacs, Harold R. Secker & Warburg United Kingdom A study of the social catastrophe that convulsed China in 1925-27, when the working-class movement was murderously crushed by the Kuomintang. 1934 1938 BC35300-TragedyChineseRevolution.jpg B Book CX14766 0 false true false CX14766.htm [0xc000113bc0 0xc000174c60 0xc0001758f0 0xc000368ab0] Cx}
Year Published:  1938
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX14766

A study of the social catastrophe that convulsed China in 1925-27, when the working-class movement was murderously crushed by the Kuomintang.

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