The Ghetto Fights
The Warsaw Ghetto: The 45th Anniversary of the Uprising

Edelman, Marek
Year First Published:  {26118 The Ghetto Fights GHETTO FIGHTS The Warsaw Ghetto: The 45th Anniversary of the Uprising Edelman, Marek On May 10th, 1943, the first period of our bloody history, the history of the Warsaw Jews, came to an end. The site where the buildings of the ghetto had once stood became a ragged heap of rubble reaching three storeys high. Those who were killed in action had done their duty to the end, to the last drop of blood that soaked into the pavements of the Warsaw ghetto. We, who did not perish, leave it up to you to keep the memory of them alive--forever. 1945 1989 ART Article CX11309 0 false true false CX11309.htm [0xc0010d22a0 0xc00074f980 0xc001caa8d0 0xc001d220c0 0xc0023a7c20] Cx}
Year Published:  1989
Resource Type:  Article
Cx Number:  CX11309

On May 10th, 1943, the first period of our bloody history, the history of the Warsaw Jews, came to an end. The site where the buildings of the ghetto had once stood became a ragged heap of rubble reaching three storeys high. Those who were killed in action had done their duty to the end, to the last drop of blood that soaked into the pavements of the Warsaw ghetto. We, who did not perish, leave it up to you to keep the memory of them alive--forever.

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