Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine July-August 1987

Date Written:  1987-07-01
Publisher:  Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published:  {56789 Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine July-August 1987 OUTLOOK CANADA'S PROGRESSIVE JEWISH MAGAZINE 1987-07/08 Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1987-07-01 1963 1987 24pp $1.75/copy PER Serial Publication (Periodical) -- <br> <br>Table of Contents: <br> <br>inside jottings by sylvia friedman <br> <br>editorially speaking <br> <br>our nuclear age by f.h. knelman <br> <br>20 years since the fateful six day war by joseph lipski <br> <br>the martyrdom of edith stein by mike cass <br> <br>dreams in nuclear times (poem) by edith segal <br> <br>in out basket by henry rosenthal <br> <br>hote on trial (book review) by abraham j. arnold <br> <br>they dare to speak out (book review) by roberta l. coles <br> <br>soviet jewish martyrs we have not forgotten by henry rosenthal <br> <br>splinters (poem) by peretz markish <br> <br>my curse (poem) by itzik feffer <br> <br>my vow (poem) by itzik feffer <br> <br>a memoir by edward parker <br> <br>cabbages (poem) by laib kvitko <br> <br>gypsy woman (poem) by mona elaine adilman <br> <br>partition of kibbutz movement (instalment II) by bernardo berdichewsky <br> <br>kindervinkel for young and old <br> <br>word power (puzzle) by kayla <br> <br>reflections on canada day by michael werbowksi <br> <br>cartoon by daniel jackson <br> <br>packing for europe (short story) by fred narvey <br> <br>does anti semitism exist in japan by rita rosenfeld <br> <br>rose kashtan <br> <br>newscan 1 false false true CA56789.htm [0xc0004115f0 0xc00046a360] Ca}
Year Published:  1987
Pages:  24pp   Price:  $1.75/copy   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)


Table of Contents:

inside jottings by sylvia friedman

editorially speaking

our nuclear age by f.h. knelman

20 years since the fateful six day war by joseph lipski

the martyrdom of edith stein by mike cass

dreams in nuclear times (poem) by edith segal

in out basket by henry rosenthal

hote on trial (book review) by abraham j. arnold

they dare to speak out (book review) by roberta l. coles

soviet jewish martyrs we have not forgotten by henry rosenthal

splinters (poem) by peretz markish

my curse (poem) by itzik feffer

my vow (poem) by itzik feffer

a memoir by edward parker

cabbages (poem) by laib kvitko

gypsy woman (poem) by mona elaine adilman

partition of kibbutz movement (instalment II) by bernardo berdichewsky

kindervinkel for young and old

word power (puzzle) by kayla

reflections on canada day by michael werbowksi

cartoon by daniel jackson

packing for europe (short story) by fred narvey

does anti semitism exist in japan by rita rosenfeld

rose kashtan


Subject Headings

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