Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine July - August 1986

Date Written:  1986-07-01
Publisher:  Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published:  {56777 Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine July - August 1986 OUTLOOK CANADA'S PROGRESSIVE JEWISH MAGAZINE 1986-07/08 Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1986-07-01 1963 1986 24pp $1.75/copy PER Serial Publication (Periodical) -- <br> <br>Table of Contents: <br> <br>our readers write <br> <br>editorially speaking <br> <br>kahane jewish neo-nazi? <br> <br>waldheim's current crimes by mike cass <br> <br>a visit to kibbutz yad hanna by joseph lipski <br> <br>history of jewish secularism part 4 baruch spinoza by morris j. granite <br> <br>the fascist boot in minnesota by yevgeny yevtushenko <br> <br>the in out basket by ben chud <br> <br>soviet yiddish poets remembered <br> <br>israel 38 years old by joseph lipski <br> <br>is huckleberry finn racist by paul schmidt <br> <br>in the suburbs (book review) by rita rosenfeld <br> <br>neo-conservatism and the jews by philip resnick <br> <br>a mircale happened (short story) by fred narvey <br> <br>it is my good fortune (poem) by sholem shtern <br> <br>further on fassbinder (discussion) by mike cass <br> <br>newscan 1 false false true CA56777.htm [0xc0003a2300 0xc0003e7050] Ca}
Year Published:  1986
Pages:  24pp   Price:  $1.75/copy   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)


Table of Contents:

our readers write

editorially speaking

kahane jewish neo-nazi?

waldheim's current crimes by mike cass

a visit to kibbutz yad hanna by joseph lipski

history of jewish secularism part 4 baruch spinoza by morris j. granite

the fascist boot in minnesota by yevgeny yevtushenko

the in out basket by ben chud

soviet yiddish poets remembered

israel 38 years old by joseph lipski

is huckleberry finn racist by paul schmidt

in the suburbs (book review) by rita rosenfeld

neo-conservatism and the jews by philip resnick

a mircale happened (short story) by fred narvey

it is my good fortune (poem) by sholem shtern

further on fassbinder (discussion) by mike cass


Subject Headings

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