Canadian Jewish Outlook January - February 1985
Jewish music month
Date Written: 1985-01-01
Publisher: Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published: {56638 Canadian Jewish Outlook January - February 1985 CANADIAN JEWISH OUTLOOK 1985-01/02 Jewish music month Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1985-01-01 1963 1985 20pp PER Serial Publication (Periodical) -
<br>Table of contents
<br>our readers write
<br>editorially speaking
<br>ujpo brief to winnipeg jcc
<br>mattiyahu peled: peace advocate by asher neudorfer
<br>yiddish song by anna feldman
<br>father's word (poem) by chung hi-sup
<br>the lyndon larouche case by henry srebrnik
<br>heinrich heine - the 'mentsch' by miriam m. abileah
<br>an evening of memories and tributes by jerald bain
<br>a look at the strategic agreement by j. lipski
<br>canada has much to answer for (book review) by rita rosenfeld
<br>respobsibility (poem) by ber green
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Year Published: 1985
Pages: 20pp Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Table of contents
our readers write
editorially speaking
ujpo brief to winnipeg jcc
mattiyahu peled: peace advocate by asher neudorfer
yiddish song by anna feldman
father's word (poem) by chung hi-sup
the lyndon larouche case by henry srebrnik
heinrich heine - the 'mentsch' by miriam m. abileah
an evening of memories and tributes by jerald bain
a look at the strategic agreement by j. lipski
canada has much to answer for (book review) by rita rosenfeld
respobsibility (poem) by ber green
outlook outpage
Subject Headings