Toronto Clarion - Volume 4, Number 02
Date Written:  1979-10-31
Year Published:  1979
Pages:  12pp   Price:  25 cents/copy   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)


Table of Contents:

U.S firm cuts our hospitals
No stars for safety 'expert'
Fotomates fight film-flam firings
'No' to adults-only housing
Residents skeptical: Clean-up ordered for Canada Metal
Some must speak out on the police says Sewell
Feminists change Gods and language
A guide to radical film review
City still stalls on pay parity
TRAC record questioned
Fishy flight, phone calls set up contract: Teamsters challenge local leader
Nader, Grey Panther address Ann Arbor meet: Co-ops now build homes, fix cars
'Hardly anybody believes our figures' - Sewell: City's tenants win rent rollbacks
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