Militarism and Repression in the Philippines

Zwick, Jim
Publisher:  Centre for Developing-Area Studies, McGill University
Year Published:  1982
Pages:  72pp   ISBN:  0-88819-054-9
Resource Type:  Pamphlet


Table of Contents

Defining the Problem
Militarism and Militarization
The Links

I. Background

II. Instrumental Links
Martial Law: Creating the national security state:
1. Aggrandizement of the military
2. The spread of military ideology
3. Increased military control over civilian life
4. The constitutional change
5. The militarization of internal security forces

III. Structural Links
Rising Military Expenditures
Arms Imports
1. Economic and technological dependence
2. Export orientation of the economy

IV. International Links
1. National security thinking at the center
2. Military and economic aid
3. Cross-national ideological struggles
4. Alliance politics
5. International arms marketing

Postscript - Notes for Postscript
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