Political Columns
Behind the scenes with powerful people

Bonner, Allan
Publisher:  Sextant Publishing, Carleton Place, Canada
Year Published:  2007
Pages:  185pp   Price:  $29.95   ISBN:  978-0-9731134-4-0
Resource Type:  Book

A reader of his book will get Bonner's insight on everyone from Winston Churchill to Belinda Stronach. It is a series of columns, many of which were written for the US magazine Winning Campaigns.

A reader of his book will get Bonner's insight on everyone from Winston Churchill to Belinda Stronach. It is a series of columns, many of which were written for the US magazine Winning Campaigns. Bonner is clearly one of the best in the business of public communication and the book is sprinkled with Bonner's musings while looking back at the fascinating situations he has found himself in and the people he has found himself working with or commenting on.

Bonner approaches each subject, some as a scientist, as he does when examining the first televised debate between Nixon and Kennedy, but ultimately as an artist who knows that there is much more to communication than the mechanics. He knows how to deliver a clear message and to make it believable. While reading the columns, the reader will find himself or herself being drawn in by the simple concise sentence structure, few words beyond three syllables, a rhythm, even while reading, that breaks the flow ever so perfectly so that you retain the whole message. It is this style that Bonner teaches his clients. It is incredibly effective and enjoyable reading.

The book is also a reminder to those in the public eye that they are always communicating from the moment they enter a room until he or she is safely back home. This book is a must read, not only for political junkies who want to see what Bonner has to say about many current political characters, but for anyone who is in the communications business and want to deliver the goods for their clients.

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