Brundtland Report

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Life, Money & Illusion: Living on Earth as if We Want to Stay
Nickerson, Michael
The failure to reduce green house gas emissions, the success of efforts to curb ozone depletion, causes related to prosperity and social justice are just some the topics covered. By using the example ...
Our Common Future: A Reader's Guide
Hinrichsen, Don
Explains the concept of sustainable development, presses the necessity of a more equitable international economic system, and lays bare the links between trade, environment, and development.
Our Common Future: A Reader's Guide: The Brundtland Report Explained
Hinrichsen, Don
This beautifully illustrated work is a readable account of the world's development issues, as culled from the "Brundtland Report". The message that new sources of money must be found to support the pu...

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Peace Magazine
Bimonthly publication focusing on peace and justice from a multi-partisan perspective.