MIA: Encyclopedia of Marxism: Glossary of Periodicals
De Tribune
A newspaper founded in 1907 by the Left wing of the Social-Democratic Labour Party of Holland. In 1909, after the expulsion of the Leftists, who formed the Social-Democratic Party of Holland, the paper became the official organ of this party; in 1918 it became the organ of the Dutch Communist Party, and appeared under this name until 1940.
Demokatisches Wochenblatt
Democratic Weekly: German workers' newspaper published in Leipzig from January 1868 to September 1869; it was edited by Wilhelm Liebkencht. The paper palyed an important part in creating the German Social-Democratic Workers' Party. In 1869, at the Eisenach Congress, it was made the central organ of the party and became known as Volksstaat. Marx and Engels were among its contributors.
Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher
The Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher, or German-French Annals was created in response to the censorship and destruction of the Rheinische Zeitung, which had caused a serious split in the Young Hegelians. Most drifted further away in detached theorizing, devoid of immediate political action or aims. Marx and Arnold Ruge refused to take that path and teamed up to create the Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher.
The paper was first planned to be based in Strasbourg, but ultimately was published in Paris, in August 1843. Paris was the centre of socialist thought and political thought, the home of the revolutions of 1789 and 1830.
The newspaper printed only one issue, in February, 1844. Publication was ended as a result of the difficulty of secretly distributing the paper (due to censorship) into Germany from France, and as a result of a disagreement between Marx and Ruge.