MIA: Encyclopedia of Marxism: Glossary of Periodicals
Volga Naroda
A daily newspaper, organ of the Right wing of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party; appeared in Petrograd from April 29 to November 1917, when it was closed down. Subsequently it appeared under the titles Volya, Volya Volnaya, Votya Varodnaya, Volya Svobodiiaya and Volya Strany.
In February 1918 it was finally suppressed.
Organ of the German Social-Democratic Party, published in Chemnitz from January 1891 to February 1933.
Volksfreund (People's Friend)
Daily Social-Democratic newspaper, founded in Brunswick in 1871; in 1914 and 1915 it was the organ of the German Left-wing Social-Democrats, later in 1916 it reflected the views of Kautsky and his followers.
Volksstaat (Der Volksstaat)
Central organ of the German Social-Democratic Workers' Party; published in Leipzig from October 2, 1869 to September 23, 1876, under the editorship of Wilhelm Liebknecht. Marx and Engels contributed to the paper and helped in editting.
Vorwärts (Forward)
Central Organ of the German Social-Democratic Party published daily in Berlin from 1891 to 1933 by decision of the party's Halle Congress, as the successor of Berliner Volksblatt, founded in 1884.
Engels wrote for the Vorwärts. In Russia, it backed the Economists and then, after the split in the Party, the Mensheviks. It published articles by Trotsky, but wouldn't publish Lenin.
During the First World War Vorwärts took a social-chauvinist stand. It's articles were later against the October Revolution.