Däumig, Ernst (1868–1922) . |
Dönniges, Helene von (1845-1911) |
Dühring, Karl Eugen (1833-1921) |
Dahlem, Fritz (1892–) . |
Damen, Onorato (1893 -1979) |
Dan, Fyodor (1871- 1947) |
Dana, Charles Anderson (1819-1897) |
Daniels, Roland (1819-1855) |
Danielson, Nicolai Frantzevich (1844-1918) |
Danton, Georges Jacques (1759-1794) |
Darien, Georges (1862-1921) |
Darwin, Charles (1809-82) |
Das, Sitanshu Mohan (1926– present) |
Daszynski, Ignacy (1866-1936) |
Datum |
Dauge, Walter (1907-1944) |
David, Eduard (1863-1930) |
Davis, Angela (1944-) |
Davison, John Emmanuel (1870-1927) |
Davitt, Michael (1846-1906) |
De Beauvoir, Simone (1908-1986) |
De Boer, Harry (1905-91) |
De Leon, Daniel (Dec. 14, 1852 – May 11, 1914) |
de Silva, Colvin Reginald (1907– 1989) |
de Silva, P.H. William (1908– 1988) |
de Silva, Susan (Mrs. George Caldera) |
de Souza, Anthony Theodoric Armand (“Doric”) (1914– 1987) |
de Tocqueville, Alexis (1805-59) |
De Tribune |
de Zylva, Terrence N. (1887– 1960) |
Debord, Guy (1931-1994) |
Debs, Eugene (1855-1926) |
December 10, Society of |
Declaration of 83 |
Deduction |
Defencism |
Definition |
Degeyter, Pierre |
Degmer, Sefik Hüsnü (1887-1959) |
Deism |
Democracy |
Democratic Centralism |
Democratic Dictatorship of the Proletariat and Peasantry |
Democritus of Abdera (c. 460-370) |
Demokatisches Wochenblatt |
Demuth, Frederick (1851-1929) |
Demuth, Helene (1823-1890) |
Denegation (Althusser) |
Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997) |
Denikin, Anton (1872-1947) |
Departments of Capital |
Depression, The Great |
Derrida, Jacques (b. 1930) |
Descartes, Rene (1596-1650) |
Dessiatine (desyatina or dessyatine) |
Determinate & Indeterminate |
Determinism |
Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher |
Deutscher, Isaac (1907 - 1967) |
Devaldes, Manuel (1875-1956) |
Development |
Development, Uneven (Althusser) |
Deville, Gabriel (1854-1940) |
Dewey, John (1859-1952) |
Dharmakulasingham, C. |
Dharmapuri Pazhani Velayudham |
Dialectic of Consciousness (Althusser) |
Dialectical Materialism |
Dialectics |
Dictatorship |
Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie |
Dictatorship of the Proletariat |
Diderot, Denis (1713-1784) |
Die Gleichheit (Equality) |
Die Glocke |
Die Internationale Sozialistische Kommission zu Bern. Bulletin |
Die Jugendinternationale (Youth International) |
Die Neue Zeit |
Dietzgen, Joseph (1828-88) |
Difference |
Dilthey, Wilhelm (1833 - 1911) |
Dimitrov, Georgi Mikhailovich (1882-1949) |
Direct Struggle |
Discrete |
Dislocation (Althusser) |
Disraeli, Benjamin (1804-1881) |
Dissmann, Robert (1878–1926) . |
Distribution and Exchange |
Dittmann, Wilhelm (1874–1954) . |
Diversity, the maxim of |
Division of Labour |
Dmitrov, Georgi (d. 1949) |
Dobbs, Farrell (1907-1983) |
Dobrolyubov, Nikolai (1836-1861) |
Doctrinaire Socialism |
Dogmatism |
Dollinger, Genora Johnson (1913-1995) |
Don |
Don Cossacks |
Doriot, Jacques (1888-1940s) |
Dorrenbach, Heinrich (1888–1919) . |
Dowson, Ross |
Draper, Hal (1914-1990) |
Dreyfus Case |
Drieberg, Trevor Christopher Frank (1918-present?) |
Dronke, Ernst (1822-1891) |
Dual power |
Dubcek, Alexander (1921-1992) |
Duma |
Dunayevskaya, Raya (1910-1987) |
Duncker, Herman (1874–1960) . |
Duncker, Käte (née Doell, 1871–1953) . |
Dunne, Miles |
Dunne, Vincent (1890-70) |
Durai Raj, P.V. (1915– ?) |
Durkheim, Emile (1858-1917) |
Dutt, Rajani Palme (1896-1974) |
Dyelo Naroda (People's Cause) |
Dyen (Day) |
Dzerzhinsky, Felix (1877-1926) |
Dzhaparidze, Prokopius Aprasionovich (1880-1918) |
Düwell, Bernhard (1891–) . |