People’s History, Memory, & Archives
This page is a gateway to resources on people’s history and grassroots archives, on the Connexions website and elsewhere.
For more information and resources, including articles, books, and websites related to grassroots archives and peoples’ history, try these headings in the Connexions Subject Index:
Archives/National –
Book Burning –
Book Preservation –
Canadian History –
Cultural Preservation –
Destruction of Libraries and Archives –
Digital Archiving –
Digital Libraries –
Heritage Conservation –
Historical Records –
History –
History/Archives –
History of Political Thought –
Illustration Archives –
Immigrant History –
Information Destruction –
Labour History –
Left History –
Libraries –
Libraries/Archives –
Local History –
Memory –
Online Archives –
Oral History –
People’s History –
Photography Archives –
Preservation –
Women’s History –
Workers’ History .
Selected Archive Projects
An annotated list of archive projects concerned with grassroots movements for social justice.
The Case for Grassroots Archives
Grassroots archives play a valuable role in what has been called “the battle of memory”. People’s history projects such as grassroots archives preserve and share stories of resistance, hidden histories, and alternative visions.
Help us secure a future for the past
Connexions was founded in 1975 to connect activists and organizers with information, ideas, and each other. In our 5th decade, we’re still preserving and sharing ‘information to change the world’. Connexions is looking for a long-term home for our archive and our team. We’d like find a partner able to provide affordable space for a dynamic project.
Seeds of Fire
A People’s Chronology. What happened on this day in history? Seeds of Fire is people’s history, preserving memories of struggle, resistance, and persistence. Explore what happened on this day – or on any day of the year. Find out about people, movements, strikes, rebellions, revolts, uprisings, and revolutions, as well as the crimes of the ruling classes.
Radical & Left History Gateway
A selection of articles, books and links related to radical and left history.
Oral History & Memoirs Gateway
A selection of articles, books, interviews, conversations and links related to oral history and memoirs.
History Gateway
A selection of articles, books, and links related to history and the writing of history.
Activist Archiving in Toronto
A report on a public meeting called to discuss strategies for preserving the history of grassroots movements.
Is that an archive in your basement... or are you just hoarding?
Are you an ‘accidental archivist’? Have you been saving the publications and documents produced by the social justice projects you’ve been involved in? Have those materials you collected grown into a daunting accumulation of stuff in your basement, garage, or storage locker?
Collective Memory, Archives, and the Connexions project
An interview about the Connexions project, collective memory, and the importance of archives and the challenges faced by those who work to preserve them.
Bequests: Leave a social justice legacy
Many of us have made working for social justice a lifetime commitment. If you are thinking about leaving a legacy for social justice that will live on, you might want to consider leaving a bequest to support Connexions’ ongong work in your will.