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Particularly recommended items are flagged with a red logo:

Connexions Library

Kill The Messengers: Stephen Harper's Assault on Your Right to Know
Bourrie, Mark
Ottawa has become a place where the nation's business is done in secret, and access to information - the lifeblood of democracy in Canada - is under attack.
Library and Archives Canada
Information about the collections and services of Library and Archives Canada, and direct access to a wide range of online resources.
The Secrets in Israel's Archives: Evidence of Ethnic Cleansing Kept Under Lock and Key
Cook, Jonathan
Israel has extended the time limit for releasing documents in its archives to 70 years, to prevent disclosure of evidence of widespread ethnic cleansing. The state's chief archivist says many of the ...

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

Sources Library

Files that may shed light on colonial crimes still kept secret by UK
Cobain, Ian; Norton-Taylor, Richard
Secret government files from the final years of the British empire are still being concealed despite a pledge by William Hague, the foreign secretary, that they would be declassified and opened to the...
Save the feature before it explodes
Several films directed by Alfred Hitchcock in the 1920s are being fully restored
Miller, Henry K.
Nine films Hitchcock directed during the 1920s will be restored by archivists at the British Film Institute before the volatile nitrate reels combust. The film archivists' work and the hirstory of the...
Saving past is first step to the future
Fick, Maggie
The archives of southern Sudan are all currently housed in a tent donated by USAid. Many documents have been damaged due to the poor storage facilities. The Rift Valley Institute, a non-profit researc...
What is Distinctive about the Library of Congress In Both its Collections and its Means of Access to Them
And The Reasons LC Needs to Maintain Classified Shelving of Books Onsite, And A Way to Deal Effectively with the Problem of "Books on the Fl
Mann, Thomas
The Library cannot solve its space problems by adoption of a "digital strategy" without seriously damaging our larger mission to promote scholarship of unusual scope and depth. If the Library’s own ...

From the Connexions Archives
A web portal featuring topics related to research and the Internet. The home page features a selection of recent and important articles. A search feature, subject index, and other research tools make ...
Library and Archives Canada / Canadian Acquisitions Division and Legal Deposit Office
All Canadian periodicals are required to file two copies of each issues with the National Library.
Sources Select Resources
Reviews and information about print and online resources for journalists and researchers
Reviews and information about print and online resources for journalists and researchers.