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  1. COINTELPRO Papers
    Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Dissent in the United States

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1990
    Once-secret COINTELPRO documents (the acronym for Counter Intelligence Programs) tell of the FBI's tactics to discredit any organization that they percieved to be a threat to the status quo. Operations both offical and unoffical were launched against various groups and individuals including Martin Luther King, The Black Panthers, The American Indain Movement and many more.
  2. The Common Good
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1998
    Interviews with Noam Chomsky on the U.S. and the world.
  3. The Future Belongs to the Blasphemers
    A message from ex-Muslims to mark International Blasphemy Day

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    Some people believe that disagreeing with deeply held beliefs is hate. It is not. I want to remind you that many of the most powerful ideas, ideas that changed our world were once heretical. I want to remind you that many of the most radical thinkers and reformists in past eras were blasphemers against the established order of their day.
  4. Germany East
    Dissent and Opposition

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1989
    An overview of oppositional movements in East Germany, ranging from the 1953 insurrection to the oppositional movements of the 1908s.
  5. Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber-Dissidents
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    Advice and technical tips for the best way to launch a blog and how to get round online censorship. It includes an explanation of how to blog anonymously and contains articles by bloggers, particularly in Egypt and Burma.
  6. Inventing Reality 
    The Politics of News Media

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1993
    Parenti sets out to demonstrate how the news media distort important aspects of social and political life and why they do.
  7. Manufacturing Consent 
    The Political Economy of the Mass Media

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1988
    Contrary to the usual image of the press and cantankerous, obstinate, and ubiquitious in its search for truth, Herman and Chomsky depict how an underlying elite consensus largely structures all facets of the news. They analyze how issues are framed and topics chosen, and the way in which the marketplace and the economics of publishing significantly shape the news.
  8. '68: The Year of the Barricades 
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1988
    Caute's book looks at the explosive year 1968 (while situating it in the context of what had led up to it). One of the great strengths of this excellent book is that it looks at what was happening around the world.

Experts on Disidentes in the Sources Directory

  1. Marxists Internet Archive

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