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  1. Against All Odds
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1985
    The shadow haunting the power structure is the danger that those who are controlled will realize they are powerless only so long as they think they are. Once people stop believing they are powerless the whole edifice is in danger of collapse.
  2. The Case for Staying in Iraq
    Against The Current vol. 122

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    I don't support an immediate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, because I think it would probably make an already bad situation much worse. Of course, there's no guarantee that continuing the occupation will succeed in allowing some form of stability to take hold—particularly if our military forces simply "stay the course" of brutality evidenced in Fallujah, Abu Ghraib, and the training of Iraqi death squads. However, I believe it offers the best chance for the chaotic forces now at work in Iraq to settle, over time, into some type of a coherent nation.
  3. Germany 1921: The March Action
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1964
    The debacle represented by the ‘March Action’ in Germany in 1921 was a crucial turning point in the development of the Communist International. The defeat led to a crisis in the German Communist Party (KPD), which had repercussions for the entire International.
  4. Iraq: Guerrilla War in Sadr City
    Against The Current vol. 114

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2005
    In attacking first Najaf, then Tal Afar and Samarra, and finally tackling the center of Sunni resistance in Fallujah, the United States was seeking to reverse this process. But these attacks were not designed to restore order; they were, instead, intended to prevent the consolidation of a very orderly anti-American status quo in a constantly expanding set of "liberated" areas. Ironically, the American attacks in the Fall of 2004 underscore the larger contradictions in American policy in Iraq: that the chaos American leaders keep saying there are preventing will, in fact, occur only if U.S. military forces succeed in destroying these nascent city-states.
  5. Machismo and Its Discontents
    Against The Current vol. 134

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    The one clear memory I have of 1968 (as opposed to all those other antiwar and pro-civil rights struggles in which I was engaged in the 1960s and ‘70s) is that I was a member of a faculty ad-hoc group, mostly from UMass Amherst (but there was also someone who taught at Amherst college and his wife).
  6. A Marxist History of the World part 41: 1640-1645: revolution and war in England
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    The attempt to impose Absolutism by Charles I led to a revolutionary civil war in which the King would be executed - Neil Faulkner looks at the English Civil War.
  7. The Power of Women United
    Against The Current vol. 134

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    Interview with Kipp Dawson.
  8. A Record of Resistance
    Against The Current vol. 121

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    Here is a stunning book, filled with photographs that record the suffering and strength of the indigenous population in the Guatemalan countryside over the past 15 years. In short essays and photos Our Culture Is Our Resistance records the harsh life of those who survived the army’s “scorched earth” of the early 1980s and fled to isolated areas of the country.
  9. A Response to Critics
    Against The Current vol. 123

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    David Finkel's comments (ATC 122) about my book Is Iraq Another Vietnam?, and about my position against immediately withdrawing the US military from Iraq, were well-informed and fair. So were the judgments of Gilbert Achcar in his interview with Susan Weissman, though his focus was on the withdrawal issue in general and not on my essay specifically. Likewise, Michael Schwartz's current ATC response reflects an impressive familiarity with Iraq and the Middle East, and his critique of my analysis is well-taken.
  10. Triple Jeopardy and the Struggle
    Against The Current vol. 134

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2008
    Being bi- and female in the Asian movement also means putting in double, triple, quadruple time. The Third World Women’s Alliance, an offshoot of the Black Women’s Liberation Committee of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, dubbed this our “triple jeopardy” dilemma as women of color who have our hands, heads, hearts in multiple movements because of our race, gender and class status.

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