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Escuela de Francfort
Libreria de Connexions, índice temático (Edición Española)

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  1. Adorno, Theodor W.
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    German-born international intellectual, sociologist, philosopher, musicologist, and composer. (1903-1969).
  2. Benjamin, Walter
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    German-Jewish Marxist, literary critic, essayist, translator, and philosopher. (1892-1940).
  3. A Dictionary of Marxist Thought
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1983
  4. Frankfurt School
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    A school of neo-Marxist critical theory, social research, and philosophy associated with the original Institute for Social Research of the University of Frankfurt am Main.
  5. The Frankfurt School and "Critical Theory"
    Resource Type: Website
    Index to the biographies and writings of members of the 'Frankfurt School,' or Institute for Social Research, set up by a group of Marxist intellectuals in Germany in 1923.
  6. Frankfurt School Resources
    Marxist, Communist, Frankfurt School, & Later-Marxist Critique - Media Theory and Theorists

    Resource Type: Website
    Writings of Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Max Horkheimer and others.
  7. Fromm, Erich
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    Internationally renowned social psychologist, psychoanalyst, humanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist. (1900-1980).
  8. Fromm, Erich - Writings - Index
    Resource Type: Article
    Writings of Erich Fromm (1900-1980).
  9. Horkheimer, Max
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    German philosopher and sociologist and member of the Frankfurt School. (1885-1973).
  10. Marcuse, Herbert
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    Marxist philosopher, political theorist and sociologist. (1898-1979).
  11. Marx, Freud, and the Critique of Everyday Life
    Toward a Permanent Revolution

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1974
    The theory and practice of revolutionary social transformation, Brown argues, must encompass the subjective, psychological dimensions of the revolutionary process.
  12. Marxists Internet Archive 
    Resource Type: Website
    Large archive of the writings of Marx and Engels and of others in the Marxist tradition. Searchable.
  13. Postmodernism, the Academic Left, and the Crisis of Capitalism
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2013
    Over the past fifty years, postmodern theory — an umbrella term generally used to refer to such diverse theoretical movements and paradigms as post-structuralism, Lacanian psychoanalysis, deconstruction, and others — has generally dominated most fields in the humanities and some in the social sciences. But the economic meltdown in 2008 and the subsequent chronic crisis in capitalism have dealt a fatal theoretical blow to the varied and nearly ineffable assemblage of perspectives that are often grouped under the rubric of “postmodernism.” postmodernism was indeed tragedy. It was tragedy for the massive amounts of “cultural capital” that it wasted; it was tragedy for the defrauding of intellectual integrity that it represented; it was tragedy for the abandonment of reality that it recommended. Further, like the financial fiasco, it was criminal.
  14. The Unknown Dimension 
    European Marxism Since Lenin

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1972
    The radical intellectual tradition of European post-Leninist Marxism, so different from the dogma of the orthodox leftist parties, is an unknowwn dimension. This anthology sets out to recover this Marxist tradition and to restore the centrality of Marxist revolutionary thought and practice.

Experts on Escuela de Francfort in the Sources Directory

  1. Marxists Internet Archive

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