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  1. A Blaze in a Desert: Selected Poems
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2017
    Like Serge's extraordinary novels, A Blaze in a Desert: Selected Poems bears witness to decades of revolutionary upheavals in Europe and the advent of totalitarian rule; many of the poems were written during the "immense shipwreck" of Stalin's ascendancy.
  2. Bureau of Public Secrets 
    Resource Type: Website
    Articles from a Situationist perspective.
  3. Communication for and Against Democracy
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1989
    This anthology explores the circumstances in which communication serves at times as an instrument of repression and domination, and at others as a support for human emancipation.
  4. Fame & Fortune Online
    Resource Type: Website
    Comprehensive listing of awards available to Canadian journalists.
  5. Feminism's March from Nation to Home - interview
    Against The Current vol. 163

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2013
    Johanna Brenner interviews Ninotchka Rosca.
  6. Grace Paley (1922-2007)
    Against The Current vol. 131

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2007
    Grace Paley described herself as a “somewhat combative pacifist and a cooperative anarchist,” and saw the role of the artist as that of “listener” who would relay stories of those made invisible by society. And she told it plain.
  7. Money and Rain: Tom Wayman Live!
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1975
  8. Shelley's Socialism
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1888
    One of the few Marxist evaluations of poetry of Percy Byshhe Shelley.
  9. William Morris
    From Romantic to Revolutionary

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1955   Published: 1977
    A biography of the nineteenth-century socialist, designer, artist, and intellectual William Morris.

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Biblioteca Catálogo de Connexions Un catálog con más de 5.000 fuentes escritas, audiovisuales y electronicas — Índice por título or Índice temático or Índice por autor.
Directorio Connexions Associaciones y ONGs que tratan temas sociales y medioambientales — A-Z Índice or Índice temático.. Para expertos y portavoces ante medios de comunicación mirar el índice temático de Sources.
Enlaces & Fuentes Fuentes de internet que muestran información sobre alternativas.
Calendario Mantente al corriente de los eventos de interés en todo Canadá. Además: comunicados de prensa de ONGs.
Publicidad & Medios de Comunicación Fuentes, publicaciones y artículos para ayudar a tu organización a conseguir publicidad y aumentar la concienciación. Además de buenos precios para los directorios “Nombres & Números de los medios de comunicación”, y “Nombres & Números del Parlamento”, y para la lista de mails.
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