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  1. Bustan
    Resource Type: Website
    A partnership of Jewish and Arab eco-builders, architects, academics, and farmers promoting social and environmental justice in Israel/Palestine. BUSTAN cultivates sustainable models to effect change by combining advocacy and in-depth political analysis with strategic action. BUSTAN utilizes the principles of permaculture and non-violent direct action across ethnic divides.
  2. Connexions Digest
    Issue 52 - August 1990 - A Social Change Sourcebook

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1990
  3. Connexions Library: Agriculture and Farming Focus
    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 2009
    Selected articles, books, websites and other resources on farming and agriculture.
  4. Farming Without Machines: A Revolutionary Agricultural Technology
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1974   Published: 2012
    Originally published in 1974, How to Grow More Vegetables, Eighth Edition: (And Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Grains, and Other Crops) than You Ever Thought Possible on Less Land than You Can Imagine1 remains a vital resource for farmers, agricultural researchers and planners, sustainability activists and home gardeners.
  5. Get a Life!
    How to make a good buck dance around the dinosaurs and save the world while you're at it

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1995
    Simultaneoulsy a textbook on new careers and lifestyles for aspiring entrepreneurs and a strategy for social, economic and environmental renewal.
  6. Home!
    A Bioregional Reader

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1990
    A guide to the vision and strategy of bioregionalism.
  7. The International Permaculture Solutions Journal
    Volume 1, Number 1

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1990
  8. International Permaculture Species Yearbook 1986
    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1986
    This annual grows out of deep concern that human actions are destroying many of the living species, both plant and animal, with which we share this planet. It seeks both to sound an alarm and document the extent of the problem, and to suggest what we can do to stop what is happening.
  9. Permaculture
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    An approach to designing human settlements and perennial agricultural systems that mimics the relationships found in natural ecologies.

Experts on Permacultura in the Sources Directory

  1. ibiblio.org

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Directorio Connexions Associaciones y ONGs que tratan temas sociales y medioambientales — A-Z Índice or Índice temático.. Para expertos y portavoces ante medios de comunicación mirar el índice temático de Sources.
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