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  1. Agreement on terms
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2007
    I have come to accept that western journalists cannot accurately, let alone objectively, represent the Middle East and the Arab world. The problem is not that journalists do not always adhere to their own professional codes and methods, though that does happen. It is that even if correspondents strictly obey all the rules, they still present a fundamentally biased and skewed picture of the Middle East.
  2. Aljazeera - English home page
    Resource Type: Website
    English-language site of the Arabic news network.
  3. Aljazeera - English home page
    Resource Type: Website
    English-language site of the Arabic news network.
  4. An alternative media list
    Getting the news - and getting behind the news

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2014   Published: 2017
    A selective list of English-language alternative media.
  5. Countercurrents
    Resource Type: Website
    An alternative news site based in India. "We bring out what the mainstream media fails to tell you, or hides from you. These are the things that really matter. The things which may determine the fate of planet earth! The future of our children! In a word, the survival of the species!"
  6. Globe and Mail promotes Controversial Mining Magnate
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    How close is too close when it comes to media outlets working with institutions set up by wealthy individuals to influence the news? The question becomes important to ask when Canada's "national newspaper" promotes a worldview paid for by one of the planet's most controversial mining magnates. The Globe and Mail's close ties to the Munk Debates and University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs should worry journalists and everyone who cares about foreign policy discussion in this country.
  7. Hack
    Home Truths about Foreign News

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1989
    This book is about HACKS - journalists, the men and women who fly into famines and wars and in a few days churn out stories telling the world what has been going on. It shows how HACKS work and the pressures that they face through some of the big news stories and hidden wars of the past decade. It's also about "newspeak" and double talk to square what is actually happening to the complacencies of news organisations at home. Finally, it's about how one HACK thinks; how he has picked his way through the political minefield of journalism and survived with only the loss of a few stories chopped and a few others consigned to the waste bin.
  8. Israel/Palestine: Resources for peace, justice, and human rights 
    Resource Type: Website
    First Published: 2006   Published: 2014
    A selection of resources for those looking for a solution to the situation in Isreal/Palestine based on peace, justice, and human rights.
  9. It's WMD all over again. Why don't you see it?
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    Today’s frenzy over alleged use of poison gas in Syria is the 2017 version of Anthony Blair’s WMD in Iraq. Why can you not see it? Did you think they would do it in exactly the same way again? You are being assailed through your emotions, to act first and think long after, and far too late.
  10. Le Monde Diplomatique - English edition
    Resource Type: Website
    English-language edition of the French newspaper. Some articles free on the Web site; full access requires a subscription.
  11. The Narco News Bulletin
    Resource Type: Website
    Reporting on the drug war and democracy. Fostering authentic journalism.
  12. Necessary Illusions 
    Thought Control in Democratic Societies

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1989   Published: 1991
    An inquiry into the nature of the media and the role of intellectuals in "a political system where the population cannot be disciplined by force, and thus must be subjected to more subtle forms of ideological control."
  13. The Newsfakers
    Whose hands are behind those dramatic YouTube pictures?

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    YouTube and blogs have made it easier than ever to fabricate events. The media are happy to run unsubstantiated reports and footage.
  14. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - December 20, 2016
    Fake News

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 2016
    "Fake news" is the latest mania to convulse the mainstream media. All at once, we're being subjected to an outbreak of hand-wringing articles and commentary about obscure websites which are supposedly poisoning public opinion and undermining democracy by spreading "fake news." Since we don't like to be left out when a new fad comes on the scene, Other Voices is jumping on the bandwagon too, with this, our last issue of 2016, devoted to "fake news." Our focus, however, is not so much on the crackpots and trolls making mischief on the fringes, but on the dominant actors in the fake news business: governments and the corporate and state media.
  15. The Real Terror Network 
    Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1982
    Herman sets out to show that the U.S. ignores or sponsors terror by authoritarian states that are allied with U.S. interests.
  16. Telling It
    Women and Language Across Cutures

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1990
  17. Whatever Happened to Al Jazeera?
    All the News That's Fit to Slant

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    In Al Jazeera’s early days in the mid and late 1990s, the channel took on taboo subjects and proudly challenged the status quo. In recent months, however, Al Jazeera has begun to change course. It has deviated from its journalistic responsibilities in Libya, and is now completely losing the plot with Syria. The channel is in urgent need to revisit its own code of ethics.

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