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Agent provocateur
La Bibliotheque Connexions (Editon francais)

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  1. Agent provocateur
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    A person employed by the police or other entity to act undercover to entice or provoke another person to commit an illegal act.
  2. Black Bloc
    Connexipedia Article

    Resource Type: Article
    People who engage in protests wearing black clothing and masks and engaging in property damage. The tactic was developed in the 1980s by anti-nuclear activist autonomists, and was subsequently adopted by some anarchists, as well as some right-wing groups such as the autonomous nationalists of Europe. Black blocs lend themselves to infiltration by police and agents provocateurs, and it has often been alleged that their primary function, whether intentional or not, is to provide a pretext for police repression.
  3. Black Bloc Provocateurs Set Strasbourg Hotel on Fire
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    Legitimate anti-NATO protesters are determined to use non-violent civil disobedience to block the summit. In order to provide an excuse to use batons and rubber bullets against them, agents provocateurs masquerading as Black Bloc anarchists have been dispatched with instructions to burn down hotels and vandalize churches.
  4. Diversity of Tactics and Democracy
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2002
    To me, a strategy isn't democratic if it intrinsically alienates the majority of oppressed people and shuts the door to their participation. A strategy isn't democratic if it drives away the working class when they have every reason to participate and want to.
  5. Infiltration To Disrupt, Divide And Mis-direct Are Widespread In Occupy - Part I
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2012
    This article describes public reports of infiltration as well as results of a survey and discussions with occupiers about this important issue.
  6. Is this what a police state looks like?
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    The corporate security state is not static - it will keep filling more and more space to the extent that they are allowed to by civil society. The police actions in Toronto are one of those key moments, one that we will look back on as a time when the authoritarian governments we now endure tested our resolve. They know exactly what they are doing. There was no spontaneous 'over-reaction.' There were no cops 'out of control' - the obvious fact is they were always in control. The decision to allow the Black Bloc to do its destructive work without any intervention at all was strategic. They were assisted in their work by the Black Bloc, some of them agents provocatuers, all of them enemies of social change.
  7. Legal Lessons From the Green Scare
    When the Constitution is No Obstacle to the FBI

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    Green Scare prosecutors and their coordinators in Washington are willing to destroy individual lives to score political points, and to trample their own rules in the process.
  8. Provocateur Cops Caught Disguised As Anarchists At G20
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    At every single major summit over the past few years, authorities have inserted agent provocateurs into protest groups in order to spy on them and if necessary, provoke violence to justify oppressive police brutality in the eyes of the watching world.
    We have documented numerous different occasions where the leadership of the black bloc anarchists were actually working with the authorities to provide a pretext for a police state crackdown.
    During the previous G20 protest in London, black bloc anarchists were allowed by police to smash up bank buildings while being accompanied by more press photographers than other protesters in what was obviously a stage-managed spectacle for mass consumption
  9. SPP Agent Provocateur Cops Caught Red Handed Attempting To Incite Violence
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2007
    Peaceful protestors at the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) summit in Montebello have captured sensational video of hired agent provocateurs attempting to incite rioting and turn the protest violent, only to encounter brave resistance from real protest leaders.
  10. Targeting Earth First!
    Dave Foreman and the First Greenscare Case

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    The war on environmentalism.
  11. Who Controls The Black Bloc Anarchists?
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    Whose interests do the violent actions of the black bloc benefit? The interests of the general public in using free speech as a means of political change? Or the interests of the authorities in providing the perfect pretext with which to crush and outlaw that free speech? You can't overthrow the entire system by smashing one bank and starting a bonfire. Real political change takes generations of struggle, decades of building respected educational platforms, and a gargantuan grass-roots movement focused on taking power on the local level and expanding upwards. Throwing a brick through a window isn't going to achieve anything other than making the vast majority of the general public despise you even more, and support the very systems of power that you are supposedly opposing. The black bloc sect exist to provide the media with violent footage with which to demonize legitimate protesters.
  12. Why Does the FBI Have to Manufacture its Own Plots if Terrorism and ISIS Are Such Grave Threats?
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    Article talks about FBI's terrorism strategies and their manipulation of information.
  13. Witness to Betrayal: Scott Crow on the Exploits and Misadventures of FBI Informant Brandon Darby
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2013
    Scott Crow tells the story of his friendship with Brandon Darby, an anarchist militant and FBI informer.

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