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  1. Access Denied
    The Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2008
    Many countries around the world block or filter Internet content, denying access to information -- often about politics, but also relating to sexuality, culture, or religion -- that they deem too sensitive for ordinary citizens. Access Denied documents and analyzes Internet filtering practices in over three dozen countries.
  2. The Ban on the Leipziger Allgemeine Zeitung
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1843
    The German press begins the New Year with apparently gloomy prospects. The ban that has just been imposed on the Leipziger Allgemeine Zeitung in the states of Prussia is surely a sufficiently convincing refutation of all the complacent dreams of gullible people about big concessions in the future.
  3. CIA Chief Declares War on Truth
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    Mike Pompeo made it clear that he has little regard for truth, for personal decency, or for the Constitutional protections for free speech or for the free exercise of religion. It was an altogether chilling debut for a spy agency head in a country that still imagines itself enjoying some basic freedoms.
  4. Comments on The Latest Prussian Censorship Instruction
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1842
    The real, radical cure for the censorship would be its abolition; for the institution itself is a bad one, and institutions are more powerful than people.
  5. Connexions
    Volume 10, Number 1 - Spring 1986 - The Arts and Social Change

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1986
  6. Connexions
    Volume 11, Number 2 - Winter 1988 - A Social Change Sourcebook

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1988
  7. Connexions Digest
    Issue 52 - August 1990 - A Social Change Sourcebook

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1990
  8. Connexions Digest
    Issue 54 - February 1992- A Social Change Sourcebook

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 1992
  9. Defending Freedom And Democracy Sure Requires An Awful Lot Of Censorship
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2022
    Perhaps we have foolishly consented to a reality where the most powerful people in the world get to control the information people consume in order to shut down dissent against a murderous and oppressive globe-spanning oligarchic empire.
  10. Domestic reality does not match bold words on Internet freedom of expression
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2011
    The U.S. government gives lip service to online free speech but simultaneously acts in ways to drastically limit freedom of expression.
  11. Free Speech For Me - But Not For Thee
    How the American Left and Right Relentlessly Censor Each Other

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1992
    Hentoff is a passionate believer in free speech who recognizes that if speech is truly to be free, we must protect the expression even of ideas we abhors. He catalogues with equal disapproval the efforts of both the right and the left to censor speech they don't like. While being sympathetic to those who object to allowing bigots, racists, pornographers, atheists, and others of many stripes the right to lay out ideas that one group or another finds repugnant, he makes both an intellectual and an emotional case for allowing everyone to have their say, no matter how much this may offend some. He points out that suppressing speech doesn't get rid of the underlying thought, but merely drives it underground and gives it the benefit of martyrdom.
  12. Here come the thought police
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2014
    Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has declared his intention to fast-track legislation expanding CSIS and police powers of “surveillance, detention and arrest.”
  13. Historic Film Withheld 36 Years
    Resource Type: Article
  14. Hitler's Propaganda Machine
    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 1978
  15. Israeli journalist Anat Kam under secret house arrest since December
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    An Israeli journalist has been under secret house arrest since December on charges that she leaked highly sensitive, classified military documents which suggest the Israeli military breached a court order on assassinations in the occupied West Bank.
  16. Israel's new 'attack on freedom of speech'
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    The Israeli government and its right-wing supporters have been waging a 'McCarthyite' campaign against human-rights groups.
  17. Kill The Messengers
    Stephen Harper's Assault on Your Right to Know

    Resource Type: Book
    First Published: 2015
    Ottawa has become a place where the nation's business is done in secret, and access to information - the lifeblood of democracy in Canada - is under attack.
  18. Net freedom 'at stake' on WikiLeaks
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    Internet service providers are cutting access to the whistleblower site, raising broader concerns about online freedom.
  19. On Atena Farghadani and the longstanding repression of artistic expression in Iran
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    It all started with a harmless political cartoon posted on Facebook. What followed was extreme retaliation to say the least; imprisonment, and physical abuse. Unfortunately, this is not an extraordinary story for artists in Iran.
  20. On Freedom of the Press (5)

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1842
    A censorship law is an impossibility because it seeks to punish not offences but opinions, because it cannot be anything but a formula for the censor, because no state has the courage to put in general legal terms what it can carry out in practice through the agency of the censor. For that reason, too, the operation of the censorship is entrusted not to the courts but to the police.
  21. On Freedom of the Press (1)
    Prussian Censorship

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1842
    Apart from the catchwords and commonplaces which fill the air, we find among these opponents of press freedom a pathological emotion, a passionate partisanship, which gives them a real, not an imaginary, attitude to the press, whereas the defenders of the press in this Assembly have on the whole no real relation to what they are defending. They have never come to know freedom of the press as a vital need. For them it is a matter of the head, in which the heart plays no part.
  22. On Freedom of the Press (2)
    Opponents of a Free Press

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1842
    What an illogical paradox to regard the censorship as a basis for improving our press!
  23. On Freedom of the Press (3)
    On the Assembly of the Estates

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1842
    Precisely because freedom of discussion, the speaker concludes, is desirable in our Assembly - and what freedoms would we not find desirable where we are concerned? - precisely for that reason freedom of discussion is not desirable in the province. Because it is desirable that we speak frankly, it is still more desirable to keep the province in thrall to secrecy.
  24. On Freedom of the Press (4)
    As a privilege of particular individuals or a privilege of the human mind?

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1842
    From the standpoint of the idea, it is self-evident that freedom of the press has a justification quite different from that of censorship because it is itself an embodiment of the idea, an embodiment of freedom, a positive good, whereas censorship is an embodiment of unfreedom, the polemic of a world outlook of semblance against the world outlook of essence; it has a merely negative nature.
  25. On Freedom of the Press (6)
    Freedom in General

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1842
    Some want a full censorship, others a half censorship; some want three-eighths freedom of the press, others none at all. God save me from my friends!
  26. On the Critique of the Prussian Press Laws
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 1842
    Two ways are open to the Prussian for the publication of his thoughts. He can either have them printed in his own country, in which case he has to submit to the domestic censorship; or, should he meet with objections here, outside the frontiers of his own state he can still either place himself under the censorship of another state in the Confederation or take advantage of press freedom in foreign countries. In any case the state retains the right to take repressive measures against possible breaches of the law.
  27. Operation Cast Lead: News control as a military objective
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2009
    Control of news in time of war has become a military objective.
  28. Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - January 29, 2015
    Land seizures and land take-overs

    Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
    First Published: 2015
    This issue of Other Voices focuses on the issue of land seizures and land take-overs. Also included: Greece's solidarity movement, and the challenges and opportunities it faces after the election of a Syrizia government. From the archives, there are interviews about the 1974 occupation of Anicinabe Park, an article about anti-dicrimination fighter Viola Desmond, and the publication, in 1929, of All Quiet on the Western Front.
  29. PayPal admits US pressure over WikiLeaks account freeze
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    PayPal today admitted it suspended payments to WikiLeaks after an intervention from the US State Department.
  30. Ryerson Made a Mistake in Cancelling Panel Discussion
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2017
    Not only are censorship and suppression fatal to the purpose of the university, they undermine the foundation of democratic society. When individual rights to freedom of expression are diminished or taken away for an allegedly good cause, they are necessarily invested in some higher authority that is given the right to determine what is acceptable. The result is censorship from above – ultimately the state – with the likelihood that the champions of that censorship today are its vulnerable targets tomorrow.
  31. Semantic Warfare: Words as Guided Missiles
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2015
    Over half a century ago, the South Korean government banned the word "labour" from the Korean language. This is the back story.
  32. Seven Forbidden Words: On the Uses of Censorship
    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2018
    In December 2017, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) moved to take ideological control of the agency's budget-writing process. A Trump appointed official presented a directive to the agency's departments listing seven words that were not to be used in budget preparation.
  33. Unveiled
    Art and Censorship in Iran

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2006
    This report seeks to illustrate the manner in which artistic censorship in Iran is both shaped and shapes; to demonstrate where the focus of the conflict lies between the Islamic Republic of Iran and individual expression.
  34. A War on Wikileaks?
    Unhinged at the US State Department and Pentagon

    Resource Type: Article
    First Published: 2010
    If the state fails to make any sense - not surprising - it is because it is has no intention of doing so. The state is appealing to something more visceral with all of this posturing: fear. It wants to strike fear into the minds and bodies of people working with Wikileaks, or anyone else doing such work, and anyone contemplating leaking any classified records. Fear is its greatest weapon of psychological destruction, with proven success at home. The outcome the state hopes for is greater self-censorship and greater self-monitoring.

Experts on Censure/officiel in the Sources Directory

  1. Wikileaks
  2. Barrie Zwicker

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