Perceptions of Palestine
Their Influence on U.S. Middle East Policy
Christison, Kathleen
Publisher: University of California Press
Year First Published: {14037 Perceptions of Palestine PERCEPTIONS OF PALESTINE Their Influence on U.S. Middle East Policy Christison, Kathleen University of California Press Christison shows how America's singular focus on Israel and general ignorance of the Palestinian point of view, has impeded a resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. 1999 2001 396pp $22.95 BC14037-PerceptionsOfPalestine.jpg B Book CX9288 0 false true false CX9288.htm [0xc0002f1680 0xc000d0b6e0 0xc000d72e70 0xc001e50060 0xc001e5ea20 0xc0001900f0] Cx}
Year Published: 2001
Pages: 396pp Price: $22.95 Resource Type: Book
Cx Number: CX9288
Christison shows how America's singular focus on Israel and general ignorance of the Palestinian point of view, has impeded a resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Subject Headings