International Journalists Expose Media Censorship

Dadge, David
Publisher:  Prometheus Books, Amherst, USA
Year First Published:  {23437 Silenced SILENCED International Journalists Expose Media Censorship Dadge, David Prometheus Books Amherst, USA What happens to journalists who expose uncomfortable truths? How far are journalists prepared to go in order to report a difficult story? Silenced provides answers to these questions with the stories of journalists who risked their careers so that the public might be informed. 2005 2008 295pp B Book 159102305X CX8883 0 false true false CX8883.htm [0xc002326120] Cx}
Year Published:  2008
Pages:  295pp   ISBN:  159102305X
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX8883

What happens to journalists who expose uncomfortable truths? How far are journalists prepared to go in order to report a difficult story? Silenced provides answers to these questions with the stories of journalists who risked their careers so that the public might be informed.

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