Quiet Complicity
Canadian Involvement in the Vietnam War

Levant, Victor
Publisher:  Between the Lines
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX8138

Victor Levant's book is a critical analysis of Canada's role in Vietnam. He provides an analysis of the Canadian economy and foreign policy position of the 1960's and 1970's. He casts doubts on the intentions and actions of successive Canadian governments. Various chapters chronicle Canada's arms sales to the United States, Canadian " Aid" to South Vietman and the spying, lies and distortions that aided the U.S. in preventing the peace accords of 1954 and 1973 from succeding. He questions the overall intent of Canadian governments and condems them for not owing up to their responsibilities of declaring what they did in Vietnam. While proclaiming neutrality Canada acted in the interests of the United States

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