Israel's Arab Minority: The Great Land Robbery
Draper, Hal
http://www.connexions.org/CxArchive/MIA/draper/1957/xx/tragedy.htmlhttp://www.marxists.org/archive/draper/1957/xx/tragedy.html Publisher: New International Year Published: 1957 Resource Type: Article Cx Number: CX7246 Something that is disturbing about those Israeli liberals who do tell the truth about the Arab minority is that they tend to pass the guilt off onto the backs of "the Jewish people." They ask how could "the Jewish people" do this to "a helpless minority" when it has itself been the victim of robbery and exploitation and has so often vowed itself to righteousness and justice? One must respect the motives of this breast-beating, but the content is distressing. It was not "the Jewish people" who did this but the Zionist authorities, the Zionist movement, and the Zionist government that bear the responsibility; and the difference is enormous. Subject Headings |