Kafka's Prayer

Goodman, Paul
Publisher:  Hillstone, New York, USA
Year First Published:  {12529 Kafka's Prayer KAFKAS PRAYER Goodman, Paul Hillstone New York USA Kafka said that writing is a form of prayer and it is in that light that Paul Goodman confronts the body of Kafka's work and ideas. 1947 1976 265pp BC12529-KafkasPrayer.jpg B Book 0-88373-047-2 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Introduction by Raymond Rosenthal <br>Preface <br> <br>The Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life <br>"He" <br>Such Freedom As Is Possible Today Is a Wretched Business <br>Self-Destruction <br>Constructive Will <br>Hunger-Art, Agnosticism, Music CX6669 1 false true false CX6669.htm [0xc000adc8d0 0xc00011d890 0xc00018a630 0xc00018af90] Cx}
Year Published:  1976
Pages:  265pp   ISBN:  0-88373-047-2
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX6669

Kafka said that writing is a form of prayer and it is in that light that Paul Goodman confronts the body of Kafka's work and ideas.


Table of Contents

Introduction by Raymond Rosenthal

The Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life
Such Freedom As Is Possible Today Is a Wretched Business
Constructive Will
Hunger-Art, Agnosticism, Music

Subject Headings

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