Situationist International Anthology

Knabb, Ken
Publisher:  Bureau of Public Secrets, Berkeley, USA
Year First Published:  {12421 Situationist International Anthology SITUATIONIST INTERNATIONAL ANTHOLOGY Knabb, Ken Bureau of Public Secrets Berkeley USA A selection of Situationist writings. 1981 2006 406pp BC12421-SituationistInter.jpg B Book 0-939682-00-1 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Preface <br> <br>Part I. Pre-S.I. Texts <br>1. Formulary for a New Urbanism <br>2. Introduction to a Critique of Urban Geography <br>3. Methods of Detournement <br>4. The Alba Platform <br>5. Notes on the Formation of an Imaginist Bauhaus <br>6. Report on the Construction of Situations and on the International Situationist Tendency's Conditions of Organization and Action <br> <br>Part II. Soundtracks of Two Films by Guy Debord <br>7. On the Passage of a Few Persons Through a Rather Brief Period of Time <br>8. Critique of Separation <br> <br>Part III. French S. I. Journals <br>9. 1958 (No. 1) <br>i) The Sound and the Fury <br>ii) Preliminary Problems in Constructing a Situation <br>iii) Definitions <br>iv) The Situationists and Automation <br>v) No Useless Leniency <br>vi) Action in Belgium Against the International Assembly of Art Critics <br> <br>10. 1958 (No. 2) <br>i) Theory of the Dérive <br> <br>11. 1959 (No. 3) <br>i) Detournement as Negation and Prelude <br>ii) Situationist Theses on Traffic <br> <br>12. 1960 (No. 4) <br>i) Gangland and Philosophy <br> <br>13. 1960 (No. 5) <br>i) The Adventure <br>ii) The Fourth SI Conference in London <br> <br>14. 1961 (No. 6) <br>i) Instructions for Taking Up Arms <br>ii) Elementary Programme of the Bureau of Unitary Urbanism <br>iii) Perspectives for Conscious Alterations in Everyday Life <br> <br>15. 1962 (No. 7) <br>i) Geopolitics of Hibernation <br>ii) The Bad Days Will End <br>iii) The Fifth SI Conference in Göteborg <br>iv) Basic Banalities (I) <br> <br>16. 1963 (No. 8) <br>i) Ideologies, Classes and the Domination of Nature <br>ii) The Avant-Garde of Presence <br>iii) The Countersituationist Campaign in Various Countries <br>iv) All the King's Men <br>v) Basic Banalities (II) <br>vi) Situationist International Anti-Public Relations Service <br> <br>17. 1964 (No. 9) <br>i) No, the SI <br>ii) Questionnaire <br>iii) Response to a Questionnaire from the Centre for Socio-experimental Art <br> <br>18. 1966 (No. 10) <br>i) Address to Revolutionaries of Algeria and of All Countries <br>ii) The Decline and Fall of the Spectacle-Commodity Economy <br>iii) The Class Struggles in Algeria <br>iv) Some Theoretical Questions to be Treated Without Academic Debate or Speculation <br>v) Captive Words: Preface to a Situationist Dictionary <br>vi) The Role of Godard <br>vii) The Ideology of Dialogue <br>viii) Interview with an Imbecile <br>ix) The Algeria of Daniel Guérin, Libertarian <br>x) Domenach Against Alienation <br> <br>19. 1967 (No. 11) <br>i) The Explosion Point of Ideology in China <br>ii) Two Local Wars <br>iii) Our Goals and Methods in the Strasbourg Scandal <br>iv) The Situationists and the New Forms of Action Against Politics and Art <br>v) To Have as Goal Practical Truth <br>vi) Contributions Toward Rectifying Public Opinion Concerning Revolution in the Underdeveloped Countries <br>vii) Minimum Definition of Revolutionary Organizations <br>viii) Six Postscripts to the Previous Issue <br> <br>20. 1969 (No. 12) <br>i) The Beginning of an Era <br>ii) Reform and Counterreform in Bureaucratic Power <br>iii) How Not to Understand Situationist Books <br>iv) Preliminaries on the Councils and Councilist Organization <br>v) Notice to the Civilized Concerning Generalized Self-Management <br>vi) The Conquest of Space in the Time of Power <br>vii) The Latest Exclusions <br>viii) Maitron the Historian <br>ix) The Elite and the Backward <br>x) Cinema and Revolution <br>xi) The Organization Question for the SI <br> <br>21. Miscellaneous S.I. Publications <br>i) Preliminaries Toward Defining a Unitary Revolutionary Programme <br>ii) For a Revolutionary Judgment of Art <br>iii) Theses on the Paris Commune <br>iv) The Situationists and the New Forms of Action in Politics and Art <br>v) On the Poverty of Student Life <br>vi) Untitled programatic statements <br> <br>22. May 1968 Documents <br>i) Communiqué <br>ii) Watch Out for Manipulators! Watch Out for Bureaucrats! <br>iii) Slogans to be Spread Now by Every Means <br>iv) Telegrams <br>v) Report on the Occupation of the Sorbonne <br>vi) For the Power of the Workers Councils <br>vii) Address to All Workers <br> <br>23. Internal S.I. Texts <br>i) Provisional Statutes of the SI <br>ii) Provisional Theses for the Discussion of the New Theoretico-Practical Orientations in the SI <br>iii) Remarks on the SI Today <br>iv) Declaration <br>v) Untitled text <br> <br>Translator's Notes <br>Bibliography <br>The Blind Men and the Elephant <br>Index to "S.I. Anthology" <br>Index to Debord's "Society of the Spectacle" <br>Index to Vaneigem's "Treatise on Living" CX6561 1 true true false CX6561.htm [0xc000ee8270 0xc000ff6db0 0xc001563f20 0xc0001add10 0xc000202ea0 0xc0001752f0 0xc0001923c0 0xc0004f6d80 0xc000669e60 0xc000337500 0xc000337a40 0xc00034ecc0 0xc0006bb830 0xc000abd500 0xc0004529f0 0xc0009653e0 0xc000965800 0xc0006bdcb0 0xc00104b440 0xc00106e510 0xc0002296b0 0xc0003962a0 0xc0003da900 0xc000d44a20 0xc0010e6780 0xc0010e6bd0 0xc0017fd5c0 0xc001d9ac60 0xc00223ad80 0xc0022611d0 0xc002190990 0xc002656cc0 0xc00251f080 0xc00023a0f0 0xc000365440 0xc00052d050 0xc000574ed0 0xc000643980 0xc000771dd0 0xc000b636b0 0xc0011b24e0 0xc0016927b0 0xc001709cb0 0xc0017e0a50 0xc00204b3b0 0xc002761aa0 0xc002946300] Cx}
Year Published:  2006
Pages:  406pp   ISBN:  0-939682-00-1
Resource Type:  Book
Cx Number:  CX6561

A selection of Situationist writings.


Table of Contents


Part I. Pre-S.I. Texts
1. Formulary for a New Urbanism
2. Introduction to a Critique of Urban Geography
3. Methods of Detournement
4. The Alba Platform
5. Notes on the Formation of an Imaginist Bauhaus
6. Report on the Construction of Situations and on the International Situationist Tendency's Conditions of Organization and Action

Part II. Soundtracks of Two Films by Guy Debord
7. On the Passage of a Few Persons Through a Rather Brief Period of Time
8. Critique of Separation

Part III. French S. I. Journals
9. 1958 (No. 1)
i) The Sound and the Fury
ii) Preliminary Problems in Constructing a Situation
iii) Definitions
iv) The Situationists and Automation
v) No Useless Leniency
vi) Action in Belgium Against the International Assembly of Art Critics

10. 1958 (No. 2)
i) Theory of the Dérive

11. 1959 (No. 3)
i) Detournement as Negation and Prelude
ii) Situationist Theses on Traffic

12. 1960 (No. 4)
i) Gangland and Philosophy

13. 1960 (No. 5)
i) The Adventure
ii) The Fourth SI Conference in London

14. 1961 (No. 6)
i) Instructions for Taking Up Arms
ii) Elementary Programme of the Bureau of Unitary Urbanism
iii) Perspectives for Conscious Alterations in Everyday Life

15. 1962 (No. 7)
i) Geopolitics of Hibernation
ii) The Bad Days Will End
iii) The Fifth SI Conference in Göteborg
iv) Basic Banalities (I)

16. 1963 (No. 8)
i) Ideologies, Classes and the Domination of Nature
ii) The Avant-Garde of Presence
iii) The Countersituationist Campaign in Various Countries
iv) All the King's Men
v) Basic Banalities (II)
vi) Situationist International Anti-Public Relations Service

17. 1964 (No. 9)
i) No, the SI
ii) Questionnaire
iii) Response to a Questionnaire from the Centre for Socio-experimental Art

18. 1966 (No. 10)
i) Address to Revolutionaries of Algeria and of All Countries
ii) The Decline and Fall of the Spectacle-Commodity Economy
iii) The Class Struggles in Algeria
iv) Some Theoretical Questions to be Treated Without Academic Debate or Speculation
v) Captive Words: Preface to a Situationist Dictionary
vi) The Role of Godard
vii) The Ideology of Dialogue
viii) Interview with an Imbecile
ix) The Algeria of Daniel Guérin, Libertarian
x) Domenach Against Alienation

19. 1967 (No. 11)
i) The Explosion Point of Ideology in China
ii) Two Local Wars
iii) Our Goals and Methods in the Strasbourg Scandal
iv) The Situationists and the New Forms of Action Against Politics and Art
v) To Have as Goal Practical Truth
vi) Contributions Toward Rectifying Public Opinion Concerning Revolution in the Underdeveloped Countries
vii) Minimum Definition of Revolutionary Organizations
viii) Six Postscripts to the Previous Issue

20. 1969 (No. 12)
i) The Beginning of an Era
ii) Reform and Counterreform in Bureaucratic Power
iii) How Not to Understand Situationist Books
iv) Preliminaries on the Councils and Councilist Organization
v) Notice to the Civilized Concerning Generalized Self-Management
vi) The Conquest of Space in the Time of Power
vii) The Latest Exclusions
viii) Maitron the Historian
ix) The Elite and the Backward
x) Cinema and Revolution
xi) The Organization Question for the SI

21. Miscellaneous S.I. Publications
i) Preliminaries Toward Defining a Unitary Revolutionary Programme
ii) For a Revolutionary Judgment of Art
iii) Theses on the Paris Commune
iv) The Situationists and the New Forms of Action in Politics and Art
v) On the Poverty of Student Life
vi) Untitled programatic statements

22. May 1968 Documents
i) Communiqué
ii) Watch Out for Manipulators! Watch Out for Bureaucrats!
iii) Slogans to be Spread Now by Every Means
iv) Telegrams
v) Report on the Occupation of the Sorbonne
vi) For the Power of the Workers Councils
vii) Address to All Workers

23. Internal S.I. Texts
i) Provisional Statutes of the SI
ii) Provisional Theses for the Discussion of the New Theoretico-Practical Orientations in the SI
iii) Remarks on the SI Today
iv) Declaration
v) Untitled text

Translator's Notes
The Blind Men and the Elephant
Index to "S.I. Anthology"
Index to Debord's "Society of the Spectacle"
Index to Vaneigem's "Treatise on Living"

Subject Headings

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